Green Giant Seasoned SteamersTM come in six varieties. They are sauce-free, yet seasoned vegetables that can add a little pizzazz to your dinner, whether you use the vegetables in with a meat or as a side dish. The six varieties are:
Mediterranean blend
Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli
Brussel Sprouts with Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper
Honey Roasted Sweet Corn
Honey Dijon Carrots
Backyard Grilled Potatoes
Thanks to Green Giant via MyBlogSpark, I was sent a free coupon so that I could choose a variety to serve up at my house.
Which one did I choose? The Backyard Grilled Potatoes! I was hoping to satisfy my husband's taste for peppers. The kids were not all that enthused and didn't eat any of them. I tried!
Honestly, I didn't like them either, but I'm not a fan of peppers. He said that the peppers were too strong (and too numerous) and could be cut back a little. The other reason he and I didn't like them as much was because the potatoes tasted like peppers and not at all like potatoes. To be fair, we lost power at our home due to the hurricane for about 18 hours and though this package survived in the freezer, that may have affected the taste.
But just because we didn't like this particular variety doesn't mean I'll give up! Though my Food Lion had only two varieties to choose from, I'll be looking for the Mediterranean blend and the Honey Roasted Sweet Corn at another store and give them a try at my family's dinner table.
Save! Who doesn't love a coupon?
Visit here to download a printable coupon for $1.00 off the purchase of one package of Green Giant Seasoned SteamersTM.
Win it to try it at your family's dinner table!
Included in the gift pack:
- (1) VIP coupon for one free package of Green Giant Seasoned SteamersTM
- Apron
- Green Giant Serving Spoon
- Mixing Bowl
- Mandatory entry: Tell me in a comment which variety of Green Giant Seasoned SteamersTM that you would choose to purchase with the free coupon if you were to win the prize pack.
- Visit the Green Giant Facebook page and check out their Seasoned Steamers tab. Leave a comment below letting me know you visited their page and whether or not you gave them a like!
- Follow me on Twitter. If you already do, just let me know in a comment.
- Become my Google Friend (right side bar). If we are already friends, just leave a comment letting me know.
- Tweet my giveaway on Twitter and include @PinchingAbe and #MyBlogSpark in your tweet. Sharing tools at the bottom of this blog post. You can do this once daily. Leave a comment w/link to your tweet.
- "Like" Making Ends Meet on Facebook Come back and leave me a comment letting me know we're now Facebook friends. If we're already friends, let me know! (Not required -- say hi on my page.)
Disclosure: The coupons, information, and gift packs have been provided by Green GiantTM through MyBlogSpark. My thanks to them for giving me the opportunity to try their product at no cost to me. As you can tell by the review, the opinions are 100% my own or related to my family's experience with the product. I was not compensated to write this blog post, though I was provided with the same exact gift pack that the sponsor is graciously allowing me to give away to a lucky reader.
I would try the Mediterranean blend.
I visited Green Giant Facebook page. Liked them and even copied some recipes.
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Mediterreanean blend is my choice debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
liked them on fb as debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fbfriends already debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
emailsub debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
gfc debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
tw follow as jacksondeb
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I would try the Mediterranean blend. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
I follow you on Twitter as ReneeWalters2! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
I like Green Giant on Facebook as Renee Walters! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
I would like the brussel sprouts.
I am a gfc follower
I would like to try Green Giant's Honey Roasted Sweet Corn Steamer.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I follow via GFC: abfantom fantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I liked Green Giant on FB: Ann Fantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I liked Making Ends Meet on FB: Ann Fantom
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I'd choose the Honey Roasted Sweet orn
Im a FB fan - great taste
edq143 at yahoo dot com
I would choose honey Dijon carrots,yum!
Blue65829 at aol dot com
I want Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli
I like Green Giant Facebook page
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i would choose the tuscan broccoli
I would choose the tuscan broccoli
I'm friends with Green Giant on fb.
Jean Fischer
the Tuscan seasoned broccoli
Mediterranean blend is the one I'd love to try first.
Checked out the Green Giant facebook page, and liked it.
Making Ends Meet liked on facebook
GFC follower!
I'd love to try the Tuscan Season Broccoli
Visted Green Giant Season steamers tab and gave them a like (C.j. Jennings)
MEM FB Fan C.j. Jennings
I would have said the grilled potatoes but after your review I think I'd try the Honey Roasted sweet corn instead.
I like Green Giant on Facebook.
Thanks for the chance!
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
I follow you on GFC.
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
I like the Backyard Grilled Potatoes.
Thanks for the chance!
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
I like Making Ends Meet on Facebook.
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
Tuscan broccoli!
I am a facebook fan of your blog (Marysa N).
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
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Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
I follow your blog with GFC (Marysa)
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
I'd choose the brussel sprouts! livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com
I liked them on FB as Lle Schreiber! livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com
I liked you on FB as Lle Schreiber! livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com
I follow you on Twitter as @LiveLearnEat! livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com
brussle sprouts
gfc tara1965
fb like grean giant
twitter follow you kj20082006
Mediterranean Blend since you weren't a fan of the Backyard Potatoes.
We're friends on FB
Tuscan Broccoli sounds amazing :)
ktgonyea at
I'd go for the Mediterranean blend. Sounds yummy!!
I'm all for the Mediterranean blend! Sounds yummy!
I would purchase the Backyard Grilled Potatoes first.
I would get the Backyard Grilled Potatoes
I visited & liked the facebook page
Tuscan seasoned broccoli.
Backyard Grilled Potatoes!
missfit501 at yahoo dot com
Backyard Grilled Potatoes
I would choose the Mediterranean blend
I want to try the honey dijon carrots. lsenko83 at yahoo dot com
I liked green giant on fb
I would like to try the Backyard Grilled Potatoes
robin goodman
I would love the brussel sprouts
I'd like to try the potatoes.
I would choose the backyard grilled potatoes.
brat52101 at yahoo dot com
I like green giant on facebook.
brat52101 at yahoo dot com
I would love the green beans and nuts
diane baum
The Backyard Grilled Potatoes
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Visited and like Green Giant on Facebook
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Follow you on Twitter - @Annabellainla
annabella @ centurytel dot net
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annabella @ centurytel dot net
Backyard Grilled Potatoes
traceyj40 at
i like green giant on fb as rochelle johnson
traceyj40 at
GFC follower traceyj40
traceyj40 at
I'd get the backyard grilled potatoes :)
backyard grilled potatoes
Mediterranean blend
Honey Roasted Sweet Corn
I want to try the backyard grilled potatoes.
Following on Twitter @sarohioan
Google friend Sarah
I'd love to try the brussel sprouts. I love them any way so this would be a new way to try them.
momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter.
momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
I would buy the Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli.
I visited Green Giants Facebook page and liked them user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm following you on Twitter @lisalmg.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
GFC follower user WWillows6.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm your fan on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Backyard Grilled Potatoes is my Seasoned Steamers of choice!
the tuscan seasoned broccoli
the backyard grilled potatoes
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
honey roasted sweet corn
suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com)which variety of Green Giant Seasoned SteamersTM that I would choose to purchase with the free coupon if I were to win the prize pack is Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli
suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com) I visited their page and gave them a like!
suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com) @sueabunting1 following PinchingAbe via twitter
Backyard Grilled Potatoes
suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com) @sueabunting1 tweeted about this giveaway
I follow you on Twitter @razzmyberry
suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com) we're now Facebook friends!
id love the Mediterranean blend
google friend kathy pease
I would choose the tuscan broccoli.
like you on facebook kathy pease
I would choose the Backyard Grilled Potatoes.
I follow on Twitter.
I follow on gfc.
I like Making Ends Meet on Facebook.
Thanks for the giveaway...we would choose Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Like Green Giant / Facebook: bryan eason
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would choose the Tuscan Seasoned Broccoli.
I would choose the Honey Dijon Carrots.
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
Green Giant's Honey Roasted Sweet Corn Steamer
I liked Green Giant on Facebook.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
I am following you on twitter.
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
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Laura Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
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Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
I would pick Honey Dijon Carrots
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