Monday, March 31, 2008

Why you should register at the sites of companies whose products you use

I register at companies from whom I purchase things because I like to get their offers in my email. For instance, since we own a Senseo coffee machine (well, really two since hubby has one at work too), I periodically receive offers for free product samples or surveys that translate into a free product coupon. Have you priced Senseo pods at a grocery store lately? The best price I can find is Wal-Mart and that is still $3.48. The Senseo pods are easily $4.50 at the local Food Lion here.

If you like a product, you should consider registering at the company to get offers. Yes, most of the time I get emails that aren't useful, but every once in a while, there's a nugget in there. For taking 1 minute out of my day today to fill out a survey for Senseo, I will receive a free coupon for a package of pods. Every coupon, free or otherwise, helps my family save money and live more comfortably. So take some time to register at companies that offer the products that you like and use. You may just start getting these great offers too and if you are registered at Senseo already, check your email, you may have gotten the same survey!

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