Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sidebar addition: widget to search peanut butter recall list

I don't know about you, but my head is positively spinning at all of the food items currently subject to what could end up being the largest food recall in history. Just a month ago, word broke about the peanut butter recall and now things have just snowballed to an (seemingly) unmanageable list of product recalls. Even things not containing peanut butter are being recalled because they were manufactured using the same equipment as items that might be tainted.

The FDA has provided us bloggers with a handy peanut butter recall list widget that is searchable. Mine is on the right, just scroll down a bit. Check the list often as items are still being added. I must confess, I just did a search as I bit into a granola bar. So far so good... my granola treat is not on the list.

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