Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Half-a-birthday celebration coming up!

Have you ever heard of a Half-a-birthday?  Soon, we will be celebrating our son's half-a-birthday along with his dad's full birthday.  The reason why we are choosing to do this is because our lil guy was born very close to Christmas.  Mommy and Daddy is just as generous as Santa, so he should never feel that he gets the short end of the stick when it comes to birthday presents.  However, he suffers from what we call "present overload."  Basically, when you are bombarded with presents, after opening the first dozen or so, you don't get as excited.  One year, he even refused to open some presents!  I guess he was tired of all the fanfare.

Celebrating a half-a-birthday means that the present distribution will even out.  Plus, he really misses out on parties.  No one wants to go to a birthday party during the Christmas rush, people travel between Christmas and New Year and he isn't even in school then to get a birthday crown.  This past year, his pre-school celebrated his birthday in class in January because the last day of class in December was their "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" party... so celebrating a dual birthday would have not quite been so meaningful.

Do you or someone else you know celebrate half birthdays?  If you do, please comment!  We aren't planning a whole lot for the event, mainly some special Daddy/Son time and of course cake and ice cream.  We'll get him a few little things that don't cost much and he'll get to celebrate in the summer when it is nice outside.

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