Friday, June 04, 2010

McDonald's 'Shrek' glasses recall and a severe case of recall fatigue...

In case you haven't heard, McDonald's recalled their Shrek glasses today.  As if I needed another recall!  Fortunately in this case, I was the only one (that I know of!) that actually handled the glass by using it.  I generally don't give the kids real glass glasses to drink from because they break them.  Now, I have to wait for McDonald's to tell me how to get my $2 bucks back.  I'm kind of curious how they are going to work that.  I mean, if cadmium leeching from paint is a bad thing (as in potentially toxic), then do I want to hand my glass over to the person at the counter who will be scooping up someone's fries right afterward? 

We have also been affected by two Tylenol recalls this year.  In one instance, I received high value coupons.  Just when I was feeling my confidence in the product return, another recall was issued.  As a parent, the adult medicine recall was annoying, but I was grateful that it was not items I would give to my young, growing children.  The recent recall for children's OTC products really upset me.  I mean, I don't know how long (if ever) it will take to feel safe enough to buy those products.

So, if you have a new Shrek glass, hang tight.  We'll get more information on what to do with the glasses next week and then it will be back to waiting.... for the next recall.

1 comment:

  1. I for one do not have children and do not plan to use the glass(es). I only wanted them as collectibles and I should be allowed to purchase them as long as I acknowledge that there is a risk involved and I am absolving McDonalds of any liability. I still wonder if we even have a democracy left or just a bureaucracy
