Thursday, July 08, 2010

Febreze Home Collection Rebate = $10 back for $20 purchase

The Febreze Home Collection Rebate may be something that you should consider doing if you are a college student or if you are a parent of a college student.  Trust me, I'm not so far removed from college that I don't remember the eau de college smell that came out of other people's rooms.  (To be honest, our dorm room never smelled because my roomie was quite clean and we actually owned a mop and weren't afraid to use it!)

This offer runs until September 6, 2010.  Be sure to read the rules since you do need to save your UPCs in addition to the receipt.  The $10 rebate comes back to you as a "rewards" card, which I would imagine is a pre-paid credit card.  Keep an eye out for sales.  CVS often has special deals for Febreze products.

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