Tuesday, July 13, 2010

No Nonsense: Like them on Facebook, they donate a pair of socks to the needy

Did you know that socks are one of the least donated items?  Sure, you dig through your wardrobe and take your gently worn pants, shirts and dresses to organizations that help the needy in your area, but socks?  Who donates socks?  No Nonsense does!

No Nonsense has partnered with K.I.D.S. (www.kidsdonations.org) and for every fan No Nonsense gets on Facebook, they will donate 1 pair of socks - up to 15,000 pairs - to homeless shelters, food banks and other organizations in communities that service those who have so little.  It doesn't cost you a dime - just a moment of your time.  To read more about this awesome partnership, please visit No Nonsense's Facebook Page and click on the K.I.D.S. tab.

When I first read about this campaign, I couldn't help but think just how easy it is to pick up extra socks for donation.  I grabbed an Angel off the Christmas Tree at my church this year and along with a tricycle, I wrapped up some nice, warm (and cute!) age-appropriate socks.  To me, a mom, it was a no-brainer.  Who wouldn't love socks?  But in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, socks might not be on the top of a needy parent's wish list.

Do you know where else you can donate new socks?  Contact your child's school and ask for the nurse.  Aside from fixing up boo-boos, the nurse is generally the person who has the extra clothes that are used for things like accidents.  It is sad, but many kids go without socks!  As someone who knows teachers, trust me, it breaks their hearts!  I once scored a fabulous deal on breakfast cereal, getting a lot of cereal dirt cheap.  I offered some to my sister-in-law, a teacher, who took many boxes home with her... for the nurse!  Kids who were hungry because they had no breakfast would eat cereal in the nurse's office.  Just something to think about... a school nurse does far more than dispense band-aids and do head checks for lice.

So now that I've convinced you to go to No Nonsense's Facebook Page to hit that Like button,  be sure to spread the word!  Please share No Nonsense's sock donation information with all of your friends and family.  Share buttons are below - please tweet, Facebook or share elsewhere.

Disclosure:  I have made this blog post on behalf of No Nonsense because I'm a mom.  It breaks my heart to think of others without basic needs such as socks.  I did not receive any form of compensation for this blog post.

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