Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Postal increase possible: Pinching Abe's gripe!

Yet again, the American public may face a postal rate increase - this time just in time for those Christmas cards you dread writing out each year.  On the table is another 2 cent increase, though it will need to be approved.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of postal rate increases.  I mean, come on!  At least show me that you can be fiscally responsible and only raise rates as a last ditch effort (as in you really, really are going to fail a la AIG...)

Out of curiosity, I Googled up a history of postal rate increases from the mid-1800s to present day.  Since 2001, we've gone up 10 cents per first class stamp in that time, with rate hike upon rate hike in just the past few years!  If they can sell a forever stamp - effectively giving up the extra pennies they would normally get - they surely they can afford not to raise stamps again!

If other companies had to reorganize under bankruptcy protection, they why can't the post office?  Saturday delivery can go the way of the do-do bird to save money. I hope that the Postal Regulatory Commission does turn down the request.  Really, if the post office was your kid, long mature enough to be self-sufficient, but unable to live within his or her means, perpetually begging you for money, doesn't there come a time when you have to say enough is enough?  It's time for some tough love and I hope the PRC finally realizes this.

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