Saturday, July 10, 2010

Praying for rain and lawn mower angst.

It's overcast here and I'm praying for rain.  Really, I can't remember the last time it rained here and the grass is showing it.  I break lawnmowers and recently had our push mower cut out and not restart.  That was probably a month ago?  I had a few more lawn mower starting tricks up my sleeve and had been waiting for the heat to abate to give them a try. 

So Thursday night when it was a balmy 90 degrees at 7 PM, I went out and tried once more to get it started.  I primed it good, no-go.  I took off the air filter and checked that, no-go.  I even blew through the gas cap to make sure the air holes weren't blocked, no-go.  So what's a girl to do?  I called it a filthy beast (and perhaps a few other things) and suddenly, it was like I was talking its language.  It fired up and let me mow our lawn at long last.  I seriously was thinking I'd have to part with a hundred bucks for a new push mower, so cursing at the lawnmower is my money saving tip of the day.  

As it turned out, it was a pretty fast mow.  I skipped the dessicated sections of the lawn and focused on only those areas that were a bit overgrown.  That was at least 50% of the yard!  I find it ironic that we had record snows, including several blizzards (I thought I'd need a rubber room when the kids were off for two straight weeks in February), and now we have record heat and drought conditions. 

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