Monday, February 28, 2011

If I were abducted by aliens.... #MarsNeedsMoms #ad

This post is made in response to a SocialMoms blogging opportunity sponsored by Mars Needs Moms.

Mars Needs Mom is a new movie that premieres on March 11.  Martians steal a 9 year old's mom and, in the movie, he finds out just how much he needs his mom.  Having a 9 year old myself, I sometimes wonder if she'd miss me if I were abducted by aliens myself.  She's getting more independent each day, and tries to assert her independent streak at every turn, keeping me on my toes.  My 6 year old would definitely miss me.  He's still a snuggler and I'm the one he runs to in the middle of the night when he has nightmares (read:  I'm the unlucky parent who somehow got assigned the side of the bed closest to the door.)

What are 10 things my kids would miss most if I were abducted?  These might shock you!

1.  They'd miss my lackluster meals.  I am not an inspired chef by any means, and when it comes to gluten free cuisine, I'm even less spectacular.  They'd probably miss my gluten free pancakes the most. Though truth be told, they'd be happy eating Kraft mac-n-cheese every night.

2.  Nagging about their bedroom's cleanliness.  I hate a messy room, though I am not going to say I'm Ms. Suzy Homemaker with everything in its place.  I abhor clothing carpets and even worse detest drawers with clothes hanging out.  I think after a week or so of my alien vacation, my kids would miss my nagging.  Maybe.

3.  They'd probably miss a clean bathroom.  I think after an extended period of time they'd notice the massive build up of toothpaste on the vanity and mirror.   Perhaps they think the bathroom is a self-cleaning unit?

4.  Laundry doesn't do itself.  Nope, I sure wish it would.  This might be something they miss first.  I do my family's laundry, though I have been encouraging my 9 year old to do her own from time to time.  If she has time, I prefer she learn the laundry basics.  She might know enough to get by, but I think she would soon be overwhelmed by everyone else's laundry after a while.

5.  Litterbox!  That surely doesn't self-clean and though my 9 year old insists that the cats are hers, in my mind they're really mine... just two more little mess makers to clean up after.  She will clean the box, but not without a large amount of financial reward.  

6.  Dishes... no one else does the dishes here.  My daughter will put them away when they're clean, provided they are stored in a reachable place.  My 6 year old is a germ factory and, well, I don't want him touching dishes.  I think the dishes would pile up a mile high and then they might miss me.

7.  The Trashman might not miss me, but the kids would.  I take out the trash each week.  I don't know why no one else likes this chore, especially in 100 degree heat in July and August.  If I were to be abducted by aliens, the winter might be a better time because if those green men absconded with me in the hot, hot summer, I might be missed and reported stolen right away.

8.  Random gift giving would end.  I try to treat my kids to random gifts and they might miss a distinct lack of fun things that come in the mail.  As a review blogger, I receive many fun and cool items to review (including movies) and if I were abducted by Martians, no one would review these and thus the kids would miss seeing great flicks for free.  

9.  Dad won't buy kids things they like at the grocery store!  Mom is tired by the end of the day doing all of these chores and more.  If I have kids with me at the grocery store, I'm too tired to say no sometimes.  I think the kids pick up on this weakness and exploit it.  Whereas I might say yes to powdered donuts, my hubby would have the resolve to say no.  

10.  Last, but not least, they'd miss their special bedtime songs.  Ever since the kids were little, we have had the same bedtime routine.  If I weren't home to sing their special snuggle songs, that one minute that's just theirs and mine, they'd really miss me.  My 9 year old told me recently that "maybe when I'm 12 I won't want it anymore" so I've got a bit of time left.  Sure, I don't expect to be singing her her special bedtime tune (incidentally made up on the fly when she was 3 years old to get her to quiet down in the car) when she's 20, but I wonder just how much longer she'll want to hear her special song.  

That's my top 10 list!  How does your list compare?  If you were abducted by aliens, what would your kids miss most?  Domestic chores, reading time, an overworked (and underpaid) personal chauffeur?  Let me know and leave a comment below.  If you're interested in learning more about Mars Needs Mom, please check out the info listed below.  Don't forget, it premieres in theaters on March 11, 2011.  

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

Mars Needs Moms Movie Trailer - Rated PG, Walt Disney Pictures, In Theaters 3/11/11

About Mars Needs Moms
Produced by the team behind “Disney’s A Christmas Carol” and “The Polar Express,” “Mars Needs Moms” showcases nine-year-old Milo’s (Seth Green) quest to save his mom (Joan Cusack) from Martians—a wild adventure in Disney Digital 3D™ and IMAX® 3D that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader (Mindy Sterling).

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  1. Love your list! Especially love how Junior is a "germ factory"--too funny!

  2. He totally is a germ factory! If he's sick, he'll find a way to give it to you and, even more annoying, he likes to cough at the dinner table. *fumes* LOL
