Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gluten Free Cafe Cinnamon Sesame Bar review

While strolling the gluten free aisle at a Safeway today, I came upon a Gluten Free Cafe Cinnamon Sesame Bar that was on sale.  I shy away from milk, so my breakfasts rely heavily on granola bars instead of cereals.  This bar intrigued me partially because it was fortified with vitamins, minerals, and pre-biotics.  As I found out the hard way, eating gluten free can lead to vitamin deficiencies because a lot of gluten free foods aren't fortified with those vitamins and minerals that are found in non-gluten free food.

I toyed with the idea of purchasing this bar.  I am not generally a fan of sesame seeds and I wasn't sure about the roasted peanuts and how they would taste with the cinnamon.  Boy was I surprised!

In reality, the roasted peanuts were more like a background note in music.  I could taste it, but really the main focus of the flavor was on the cinnamon.  The bar was chewy and not crumbly like I was expecting since it was made mainly with sesame seeds.  Another thing I noted was that the Gluten Free Cafe Cinnamon Sesame Bar was made with brown rice syrup and evaporated cane juice.  In addition, I saw many vitamins and minerals listed in the ingredients, along with Inulin, the pre-biotic.  It specifically contained Folic Acid, one of the vitamins I was really low on a few months ago.

Would I buy it again?  Yes!  I would buy this product again, and I would recommend it to others who eat gluten free.  The single bar itself had a shelf-tag price of $1.59 and was on sale for $1.29 each, which I found reasonable. I hope to find it in bulk on Amazon soon.

Read full nutrition information 

Gluten Free Cafe also sells Chocolate Sesame and Lemon Sesame snack bars.

Disclosure:  I purchased this product with my own funds.  There is no material connection between me and the company featured in this review.

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