An odd question to ponder, at best. However, I have to ask! As I was putting away clothes last week, a strange thought occurred to me... did I own any shirts that didn't sport a company logo on the front? As a SAHM, let's just say my wardrobe tends to stray into casual. Very casual. As in a good portion of my shirts have a Hershey's candy bar, an energy drink, a liquor, a soda... you name it, it's advertised on my shirts!
So, informally, what percentage of your every day clothes would you say had a company's name on the front, in essence, advertising? I'll count up the shirts in my drawer and post the results later!
I would say nearly 0% of my clothes have a company name/other form of advertising on them. While I dress very casually on a daily basis, I don't wear t-shirts with anything printed on them. I can't think of one shirt I wear that isn't plain/patterned. I recently found one t-shirt that is good enough only to do yard work has "Reebok" on the front, but I haven't worn it in about 10 years. It was apparently in a very good hiding place. ;)