Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sunny D Book Spree is baaaaack!

For the past few years, Sunny D has had a promotion that enables schools to receive books for sending in Sunny D UPCs.  It's for this reason that it is a good idea to save Sunny D labels throughout the year.  In the past, I've sent a lot of labels in to my children's teachers.  It's a little something that we, as parents, can do to help contribute to a classroom's success.  Sunny D's Book Spree is back this year, so now's the time to start collecting participating labels if you haven't yet begun.

New this year:  There doesn't appear to be an alternate entry method.  They also have a list of participating items so that you can be sure to purchase those that qualify for this promotion.  This year's promotion began 8/1/2011 and will conclude 11/30/2011 or earlier, while supplies last.  This means it is best to get your labels in early! 

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