Friday, January 06, 2012

On Weight Watchers diet? Printable Smart Ones Coupon on Facebook!

If you or someone you know is on the Weight Watchers diet, then you may be familiar with the Smart Ones brand of frozen foods. 

As part of their 'Eat Your Best' coupon promo, they're offering you the choice to print the coupon that fits your needs best.  Facebook fans can choose between three coupons:

$1 on 5 Weight Watchers Smart Ones coupon
$2 on 8 Weight Watchers Smart Ones coupon
$5 on 12 Weight Watchers Smart Ones coupon

If you're not on Facebook, you can still access a $1 off 5 coupon via their website.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Thanks for the post. Weight Watchers Discount Coupons are the best one to use to save our expenses. I always prefer them.
    Carol Dsouza
