Monday, March 05, 2012

Valspar paint sample at 10 AM Eastern time each day (750 total samples/day)

Each day, Valspar will be giving away 750 free samples of paint at 10 AM Eastern/9 AM Central time via its Power in Color promo.  Here's the sample link, but bear in mind this is a hugely popular sample and it may be slow to load.  The samples have been going fast in the past few days and when I tried late last week, I spent a lot of time trying to get through.  When I did, I never got a confirmation screen; however, I did get an email confirmation.  Good luck!  If you snag a sample, let me know in the comments what color you selected. 

In addition to the 8 ounce sample, you'll receive a $5 coupon off Valspar paint at Lowe's, a mini roller and tray, and some sample coordinating paint chips.

Miss out?  They'll be giving away samples every day in March, so chances are you'll be able to get through the site eventually! 

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