Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Fat Rebate Check: eBates for holiday shopping

You may not be thinking ahead to holiday shopping, but now is the time to be on the lookout for bargains and perhaps start picking up some things on your list.  To maximize the amount of money you save, shopping through a site like eBates is great way to earn cash back for online purchase throughout the buying season.  That "big, fat rebate check" that you earn for making qualified purchases at affiliated retailers can always be used to offset the pain of holiday shopping later on.

Tips for maximizing your rebate:

  • Make eBates your go-to destination for all of your online shopping.  Go there first and shop through their links to ensure you get credit.
  • Monitor your dashboard to ensure that all of the appropriate tickets show up.  Bear in mind, it may take a few days for them to appear.  
  • Let your spouse know that you have an eBates account.  Promise that you won't peek to see where they've been shopping.  But if your husband is going to spend money online, he should be made aware of eBates so that you get the most bang for your household's online shopping habits.

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

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Are you already an eBates member?  Let me know in the comments section how much your last "big, fat rebate" was!  My last check was $12.41. 

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