Thursday, November 08, 2012

GiftHulk $1 Amazon code in spam - Reach out to SuperPoints users

If you are a SuperPoints user, it couldn't hurt to check your spam folder.  Today, I found an email from GiftHulk consoling me on SuperPoints folding and inviting me to join their rewards site.  They provided a $1 Amazon Gift Code (which worked, by the way) to "put a smile on my face". 

I'm not sure exactly how they determined that I was a member there.  Perhaps they saw my blog post and got my email from there? 

1 comment:

  1. Today, I found an email from GiftHulk consoling me on SuperPoints scamming and inviting me to join GiftHulk. They provided a $1 Amazon Gift Code (which worked, by the way) to "put a smile on my face". That was very nice of them, I'm currently checking them out and they look very good and solid to me.
