Friday, December 07, 2012

Layaway alert: Layaways need picked up soon!


If you've laid some items away, now is the time to be planning to finish paying and pick them up. 
  • Walmart's layaway deadline is 12/14 (7 days away!)
  • Toys R Us' layaway deadline is 12/16 (9 days away!)

Other retailers offering layaway are Sears and Kmart and there terms are different than Walmart/TRU (there's was a more structured payment plan based on paying X number of weeks, and not having a date certain to pick up).  Be sure to meet the deadline so you don't lose the money you have paid toward the purchase. 

Fox Business recently posted an article about Layaway --- a good read!  Be sure to check it out.  One of the things they mention is that the items might not be held on-site, so it is better to pay off early to make sure you receive your items in a timely (and convenient) manner.

Want to do a nice thing?  Stop by a retailer and pay someone's layaway off, like some Secret Santa's did last year for some lucky individuals.

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