Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kleenex for as low at $1.35 a box (teacher gift idea)

You know how it goes.... your kid's teacher requests tissues be sent in and, well, they aren't exactly easily portable by your child and, in my case, I don't often go to that side of the county to drop them off.  Solution:  Order a case and have it shipped directly to the teacher!  I did this one year back a few years ago when the poor teacher's pencil sharpener bit the dust.  I heard *all* about it several days i a row, multiplied that by 25 other kids, and felt an incredible amount of sympathy for the teacher and shipped her a new one as a surprise.  She was so grateful, I think she wept.

So if your kid's school is begging for tissues, consider ordering them online at Amazon.  If you choose Subscribe and Save, you can get them for the $1.35 a box price. (You can push the date out for the next shipment or even kill it off later on).  One time delivery makes them slightly more expensive.  Bear in mind, too, that often kids have more than one teacher.  My 5th grader has 4 different teachers, including home room.   Sending a whole box for use by all grade-level teachers means they will spread them where they're needed most.

Click here to get taken to the deal:

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