Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Hobby Lobby has Pinewood Derby supplies

As a proud mom of a Cub Scout (and one who has won back to back 1st places in our Pack's Pinewood Derby), I'm excited to share this money saving tip with my readers.  My Webelos will bridge up to Boy Scouts this spring, so his derby days will be just a memory.  Kind of sad to think about!
My Pikachu fan's Pinewood Derby Car (1st Place)

Did you know that Hobby Lobby has Pinewood Derby supplies?  They do.  Paints, stickers, weights, etc.  Use that 40% off coupon that you can show them on your phone (or print) to purchase items to make your child's Pinewood Derby car the best it can be.  If your Pinewood Derby has already run, you can always plan to pick up some items before the next one next year. 

With regard to weights, a lot of parents helping their child with their cars don't realize how important adding weights can be.  Their car may be ahead at the start, but lose in the home stretch.  This is where the weight comes in.  First out of the gate isn't the same as first at the finish line.  You need that weight to help gain speed for the finish. You should aim to weigh in exactly at the weight limit, which for our pack was 5 oz.  If you are slightly overweight, you can always drill out holes in the bottom to remove wood weight until you reach the maximum weight allowed. 

Graphite is great and really does help wheels work better.  Never use oil!  Our pack has a wooden track and anything other than graphite is a disqualifier.  Oil drips would ruin the track.

The wheels you can purchase are often better than the ones that come with the actual kit.  If your rules allow store-bought wheels, investing in some can not only help your child's car be stylishly different, but also perhaps a smidge faster (which is what matters in a race).

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