Friday, April 08, 2016

Petsmart adoption package: Did you adopt a cat or dog recently?

As I mentioned in a previous post, we recently adopted two gorgeous 9 month old black kitties.  The rescue group lady who facilitated our adoption explained to us how awesome Petco had been to them and their efforts to adopt cats out from their store.  When we adopted Arleigh and Nimitz, we were provided with a reusable bag and two coupon booklets, one for each adoption.  Inside were valuable coupons, some of which we used that day to buy essential supplies like another cat litter box.  So if you adopt through a Petco and you're not offered a welcome kit for the adoption, please ask!  Ours had them right at the register.

Petfinder also has a partnership with Petco competitor, Petsmart.  If you adopt through a rescue agency listed on Petfinder like we did, you can also request a welcome kit, which comes via email and includes:

For this offer, you can only request while supplies last and only one new adopter kit per species.  So for us, we could only get one offer, even though we adopted two cats.  We are looking still for a puppy for our son, so when we adopt, we'll be requesting the dog version because we feel strongly that dog obedience training is essential.  Our last dog, God rest her beagle soul, could really have benefited from training.  She escaped the house when she was 1 year old and refused to come when called. Instead, she got run over.  Her backside was broken, but she healed up.  However, arthritis was a painful part of her life as she aged.  We definitely want any dog we adopt to obey.

This offer is available at the Petfinder website.  Please note you only have 60 days from adoption to request, so be sure to do so right away.  The free pet food has a very high value and even if it is not your preferred brand, please consider getting it anyway and perhaps dropping it off at your local shelter.

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