Wednesday, March 26, 2008 prescription promotion - earn $10 credit for each prescription order you place (up to $100)

If you aren't lucky enough to have prescription coupons to use to offset the cost of filling a prescription, you can always fall back to To qualify for this promotion, you must go through this link: The complete details are listed on the landing page and include a $100 maximum that you can accrue. The $10 is given as a credit on your account and of course, you must have a valid prescription to qualify. There are also some state restrictions, so be sure to read the fine print carefully.

Of course, Rite Aid still has a better deal, which you can access by clicking here. Until April 30, you can transfer a prescription to Rite Aid and receive $30 initially and $5 for the next two refills. Bear in mind, that many pharmacies will accept competitors coupons. It never hurts to ask!

Caveat here is that pharmacists don't recommend you using more than one pharmacy due to possible drug interactions. Always disclose all medication, vitamins, supplements, etc. to your pharmacist when you are filling a prescription or ask about drug interactions before you hand that script over to the pharmacy tech. As a general rule, I transfer between two pharmacies only.

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