Friday, April 04, 2008

Colgate Free Toothbrush Offer for Kids - Mail In form after dental check up

Colgate is one of my preferred brands and not only because Colgate-Palmolive manufactures quality and useful products. Colgate also tends to run promotions from time to time that are relevant to me and my needs. One such promotion, Save the World From Cavities, is one that I participate in each year. This time, the promotion is valid through June 30, 2008 and it is limit 4 free toothbrushes, which is great since many people have larger families. Previously it was limit 2, which while great for me, my neighbor has 4 children and two of hers would be left out of the promotion otherwise. You do need to buy a Colgate toothbrush or Colgate toothpaste to qualify, however, you can find these items very inexpensively at a dollar store such as Family Dollar.

Basically how it works is that you take your child(ren) to the dentist and get the form signed, stamped, or collect a business card to attach to the form. Then you purchase either a Colgate toothbrush or a Colgate toothpaste and send the receipt and UPC in with the form. I recommend attaching the UPC to a 3x5 card, along with the receipt. Then mail it in. You should receive either a free toothbrush or a coupon for the same in 10-12 weeks.

Colgate's Save the World From Cavities is a great program not only because of the free toothbrush but because it rewards kids for going to the dentist. One time I forgot to take my form to the dentist with me, but the dentist had no problems placing their stamp on the paper when I took it back. Another time, I mailed it to the dentist (an hour away) and sent a SASE to get it back. Want to download the form for this promotion? Click this link!

Know someone who could use this information? Please feel free to pass this post about how to get free Colgate toothbrushes along to your friends and family by clicking the "Email This" link below.

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