Saturday, April 05, 2008

Sears Luggage Clearance: Forecast 4 piece luggage set on clearance for $49.97, regularly $139.99

Hurry into your Sears B&M store or skip on over to to see this awesome deal! We were shopping at Sears today for luggage mainly because we need just one more large piece to be set for our trip and because I had a $25 Sears gift card (thanks Sis!) and a $5 gift card to spend. Kohls has luggage on sale this week too, but this was the best deal we found. What we spotted was a dark navy blue Forecast 4 piece set on clearance for $49.97!

Forecast 4 piece luggage set includes:

28" expandable suitcase with an upright pullman;
24" suitcase with upright pullman;
20" upright Pilot case; and
15" tote.

These are while supplies last, but you can check this set out by clicking on this link to the Sears site which displays them and also the Bimini 4 piece, which is slightly cheaper.

I think the set looks nice and we couldn't beat the price. Luggage of comparable size was on sale for $80 at Sears and about the same at Wal-Mart and Target.

Edited on 4/20/08 to add: Two pieces did not fair well while used for air travel. The 20" Pilot case suffered a broken wheel casing and the 28" piece suffered a horrid gash in the material. Our other luggage, 3 years old, survived. The 28" piece was opened and inspected by the TSA (thanks for cutting the lock and not using the universal key!) Sears does have a satisfaction guarantee and it looks like we will be returning the luggage. I do, however, think the luggage set would be fine for normal use. Airlines are unkind to your luggage, that is for sure. I do not suggest purchasing this set for airline travel.

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