Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ChaCha Guide as a work-at-home option

For a month or better, I have been trolling the work-at-home forums at a few sites, poking into a few threads and seeing what really is out there for moms who choose to stay home with their kids (or for those who are just looking to earn a few extra bucks). I stumbled upon ChaCha half by accident. I'd never heard of ChaCha before, and was curious because I was seeing people posting to these forums about making a few extra hundred bucks a month. Bear in mind, these people are treating it as a full-time job, whereas I am more of a slow and steady wins the race type of person. Even $50 or $100 extra bucks a month would be nice. Lots of people are feeling the pinch of gas prices and this type of gig could help make ends meet, or at least get them a lot closer!

I did apply and was accepted as a guide. I applied mainly out of curiosity though to see if you did actually get paid to guide people's searches that are texted to ChaCha at 242242 on your cellular phone. So far, so good. I have about $17 in my ChaCha account from guiding people's searches from their cell phones! I have two options for payment, that being either meeting the $100 threshold for a bank transfer, which is a once a month deal, or I could get a debit card on the Pay Me Now option and eat a $2 transaction fee each time I want paid now. Instant gratification is an available option!

So far, so good. I have answered dozens of questions all while I sit and surf, read email, or even writing articles for Associated Content. I just stop what I am doing when that door bell noise goes off and accept the query. Some questions are off the wall, some border on vulgarity, but most so far seem to be testing to see if someone really will look up the right answer. I've gotten two questions so far about the planets (yes, Pluto was demoted and is no longer a "planet") but for those of you who spend time on line anyway, ChaCha could be a good fit.

Check out how to be a guide!

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