Friday, January 15, 2010

Fill your e-reader blog tour and a review of nook all rolled into one!

Welcome to Making Ends Meet, blog hoppers! You should have gotten here from Alanna Coca's blog.... and in case you didn't, the blog tour started at Paige Tyler's blog so be sure to head back to the beginning to make sure you hit all the stops in the Fill Your Reader Blog Tour! There's tons of prizes up for grabs to help you fill that e-reader that you got for Christmas...

How do you enter to win? You must stop and leave a comment on each blog in the blog tour since winners will be drawn from those who stopped and commented at each and every blog's post that is part of the Fill Your Reader Blog Tour.

Sorry there's no eye candy here by way of dreamy and scantilly clad men, but here
what eye candy I do have to offer you are some pictures of nook and my honest assessment of nook so far. Did you know it isn't "a nook"? According to Barnes & Noble it is just nook and nook isn't even capitalized. Kind of like "e.e. cummings" who didn't care for capital letters much.

Anyhoo, without further ado, here are the promised pics and my opinion of nook so far.

Do I l
ove nook? Sure I do! I use nook mainly for reading in bed. It even hibernates if I happen to nod off while reading.

Is it bulky? Not at all. nook is about the size of a normal book and I did end up buying a leather book cover to house it. I slip nook into my purse and off I go. Take look - it measures about 8" x 5".

What about availability? nook isn't widely available. In fact, when I went searching online for a cover for nook, the nearest B&N store to me that even had a cover was in Tysons Corners, Virginia. That particular store did have a display set up with two nooks to try out. You can order nook at for $259, and it ships free. currently states that nook will ship after 2/12/10 if you order one today.

How's the 3G? Very nice. It works well where I live... most of the time and I did have some spotty places when I traveled at New Year's. Here, I can buy e-books right from my bed at 2:00 AM without having to get up, at the doctor's office if I'm stuck waiting or basically anywhere.

How long does it take an e-book to be available after purchase? Well, I'll be honest here. I had some issues with timely delivery. I bought some free e-books on Christmas night and got a message saying my request was queued. After an hour, I gave up and rolled over to go to sleep. I have purchased other e-books since then and it it is a bit faster than that instance, but it doesn't seem to load them as fast as my friend's Kindle loads hers.

How's the touch screen? I love the touch screen. I've perfected my page turning swipe and I can search for books by touching a keyboard to search by keyword. One thing I don't like is that you don't get the same results on nook as you would get by using the keyword on the site when you are looking for books. I have yet to find a good way to sort. I have found that knowing exactly what book you are looking for is your best bet at finding it quickly using nook's search feature. Search by title.

Parting thoughts? I did research before settling on nook. I really was torn, too, let me tell you. I often get gift codes via Swagbucks and my survey sites. I could really load up on books on just those alone. However, I believe that lending a book you love to a friend is part of the joy of having read a good book. Amazon's Kindle does not allow lending, but nook does. I have read that Kindle gets better battery time. This may be true. For me, if I turn off my wifi, I get far longer battery life.... like about a week per charge. If my wifi is on, it is more like 2 days. To save hassle, turn off the wifi when you are done shopping at BN for e-books, but be sure to turn it on before you try to connect to the store.

Still with me? Make sure you comment below and ensure that you make a stop and comment on each and every blog in the Fill Your Reader Blog Tour! Your next stop is Christa Paige's blog. Click here to get on your way!


cfisher1504 said...

I got a kindle for Christmas...
Don't have a clue how I went without for so long!!!

Noelle said...

That would for sure be MUCH easier then packing my laptop everywhere. My problem comes from all my ebooks being in different formats on two flash drives though. Need to research more!

Andrea I said...

I had to go for cheap right now. That left out the Kindle, Nook and Sony. I can always dream that some day I will have one of those.

Eva S said...

I'm dreaming too! Would love to have one.

Jennifer Mathis said...

I'm still researching e-readers. I plan to get one soon but I'm torn which one I want still. I see what yr saying about lending books but the odds of me having a friend ever getting a nook is slim so

Kayelle Allen said...

I'm here to check out the other stops on the tour, but I'll be back. I like the idea of money saving tips!

Anonymous said...

I don't have one yet, but I am working on saving for one.

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

My work has a nook to try and I just might have to take it out on loan.

Lisa G said...

I've got a Sony reader and love it. Just wish I could read Kindle formats on it.

Savanna Kougar said...

Thanks for the info. It keeps me in the know about what's out there. And how it works.

Stephanie said...

Thank you for sharing your opinion and the info. I think sharing is also an important part of reading, so this will be a major point for me whne I decide to buy a reader.

Cathy M said...

Thanks for the scoop, no one I know has the nook yet. I got a Sony reader at Christmas that I am really enjoying.

The Scarf Princess said...

I bought myself a Sony ereader as a Christmas present to myself and love it! I had no trouble hooking it up and pdf files work on it great for me.

Sherry said...

That doesn't sound like what I need at all. I love my ebooks I read them more than I do my paperbacks anymore.

orelukjp0 said...

What a great contest. Thanks for being part of it. Thanks also for the review. I own a Kindle and love it.

booklover0226 said...

I have a Sony Reader which I bought (with $100 off coupon) last spring. I really love it, too.

If I had a Kindle, my credit card would hate me because I would be buying books every day!

Tracey D

Leigh Royals said...

I haven't looked at the nooks. But I like my Sony Pocket Edition. It's portability and capacity are definitely worth the money. And I've been in many doctors offices lately, so I've done a lot of waiting...and reading! Excellent item and now I can enjoy so much, so much more.

Rosemary Gunn said...

I still read on my computer, though I'm also looking forward to having books on my Blackberry soon. ereader maybe sometime in the future, but not unless absolutely necessary :)

Anonymous said...

I got an eReader for Christmas and I am totally addicted. But I don't want help. This is one addiction I'm happy to keep!

marcieo said...

I was going to go with the Kindle until I found out that they only will accept their book format files (i.e. Amazon files). That means, no library eBooks, no eBooks from your favorite author's web pages, or even buying eBooks from any other eBook seller. I said to heck with that and decided to go with the Sony. At least it will read anything. Yeesh!

Scott Romanski said...

thanks for the review. i prefer my Sony, since i can buy from multiple sources.

Anonymous said...

Does the Nook have a backlight? I read mostly at night and I love the ebookwise because of the backlight, but I haven't seen any others that have a backlight.

R.A. Morelock said...

I love my ereader. Only fault, I wish it had backlighting.... Now I just need some good books for it.

LOL... Good summary!

Caffey said...

Can you read the Nook in the dark? Does it have a back light or you use mini light? Love these readers! And the books!

LeslieJane said...

Love to win e-books, Now, if I can just get my parents to spend part of their contest win from Best Buy to get me an e-book reader, I would be in heaven.

Thanks for the info on the Nook.

Leslie Jane