Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pizzas4Patriots - Help feed the troops pizza on Superbowl Sunday!

Have you heard of Pizzas4Patriots? If you haven't, you really need to check out their website and consider making a donation. Pinching Abe here pinches her pennies and even she dug down into her PayPal account to make a donation to help feed the troops pizza for Superbowl Sunday.

My dad served in Vietnam and I have a very, very soft and mooshy spot for those who put their personal comfort on the back burner so that I can go about my daily life. They're cold, they're hot, they're scared, they're homesick... and that is the job they chose. Having real pizza from America is just one little thing that we can do to show our support.

Pizza4Patriots is legitimate - it has been featured on Fox News Network and various other media outlets.

Please consider making a PayPal or other donation to such a worthy cause. Please also share this post via the tools below this post or forward the Pizza4Patriots website link to anyone you know so that they can get enough donations to make pizza for the Superbowl a reality.

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