Sunday, April 25, 2010

Colgate-Palmolive Mother's Day IWG: Win 10 minute calling card

My sister posted the Colgate-Palmolive Mother's Day IWG link on her Facebook page stating she won --- underneath were several other comments from other FB friends who had won also. So I gave it a shot and I won too! The 10 minute calling card code comes via email, so be on the lookout for it. There are 50,000 of these prizes, so the odds are fairly good. I hope you win too - and don't forget to call your mother! Share the link with friends - who can't use 10 minutes of calling time free? The code I got doesn't expire for a year, so lots of time for me to use. Good luck to all!

LINK to Colgate-Palmolive Mother's Day IWG

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