Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mosquito Magnet: Mosquito Trap to Help You Enjoy Your Property

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Mosquito Magnet. All opinions are 100% mine.

Soon it will be mosquito season here in Virginia. The area where I live is situated between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers, a recipe for mosquito disaster. I hate those pesky critters since I seem to smell good enough to eat, even if I apply mosquito repellent. Annoying gnats make it hard to enjoy the summer nights and I need to keep an eye on the kids too so that they don't get eaten alive.

I recently spent some time reading a mosquito magnet review on their website that mentioned how helpful Mosquito Magnet was around pool areas. That is definitely one use that I could see for the product. It would be a shame to have a pool, only to avoid using it because of a mosquito problem around your property. I also really liked seeing the videos on the site.

Why actively get rid of mosquitoes? Perhaps I have a personal distaste for them because my father, a Vietnam Vet, became very ill with malaria before I was born. The story goes that my mother was pregnant at the time and the U.S. Army was unable to locate him. The American Red Cross finally located him for her in a hospital in Japan to give him the news of my older sister's birth. Aside from malaria, more especially in the U.S., mosquitoes are known carriers of West Nile Virus, a very scary and real cause for concern. You can read more about West Nile here at the CDC's website.

If you live in a mosquito prone area and have pets, such as dogs and horses, the Mosquito Magnet may be useful to you. Our vet was very proactive about urging pet owners, particularly myself as a dog owner, to protect our dog with heartworm medication because of the bad mosquito problem in our area. Mosquitoes can not only sicken humans with West Nile, but your dog could become infected with heartworms from being bitten. You can read more about that here.

How might I use a Mosquito Magnet? I'd put it in my back yard and enjoy dusk again this summer. My kids could play outside longer and I could even sit on my front porch and chat with my neighbor for more than 5 minutes without excusing myself because I'm being bitten alive. If you have a skeeter problem, definitely check this product out.

Visit my sponsor: What are People Saying About Mosquito Magnet?

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