Monday, May 10, 2010

A New Horizon: Credit Card Debt Consolidation at

This post is brought to you from your friends at  The opinions expressed herein are 100% my own.

If you have a lot of credit card debt and are drowning in it, chances are you are thinking about credit card debt consolidation.  You don't want to try a fly-by-night company or one that has a bad rating.  I did check the Better Business Bureau rating on this company, which you can find here.  It is rated A+ by the BBB.

What can A New Horizon do for you?  They can analyze your financial situation to determine whether or not debt consolidation can help you get out of debt.  They can also help you with your budget - working with you to get a budget that is workable (and liveable!)  They know how to consolidate debt so that you have one monthly payment for your unsecured debts.

Consolidating your unsecured debt into a low monthly payment is nice, but A New Horizon goes a step further by providing a library of information at your finger tips.  Each month, they have a topic that they focus on that deals with finances and financial responsibility.  From what I could tell by looking around the site, they appear to want to help you get out of debt and give you the tools to stay out of debt, versus helping you with a quick fix for your debt problem.  They are very big on consumer education.  Even if you aren't seeking help with credit card debt consolidation, you may still want to subscribe.  This month's topic that I read about was about credit cards and the Credit Card Act.

If you are interested in learning more about A New Horizon, please click here.

This post was brought to you by your friends at A New Horizon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article! A lot of useful advice and information! Also thanks to Victoria for sharing