Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gluten-Free Essentials: Review of Mini Mint Marvel Cookie Mix

Pictured above is prepping to make Gluten-Free Essentials' Mini Mint Marvel Cookies.  Like I mentioned in my previous review of their spice cake, you only need just a few extras to toss into the mix, those being two eggs, 1 stick of butter and 2/3 cup of applesauce.  

These smelled minty when I poured the mix into my mixing bowl, but when I mixed the batter, the mint seemed to diminish.  But wait! The minty taste came right back when the cookies were finished!  They were definitely minty, but not overpoweringly so. I thought they tasted like a soft Grasshopper cookie.  

The directions called for using a small teaspoon to make your cookies (drop method), but I made mine a little bigger.

All in all, I got about 20 good sized cookies out of the batter.  I took some to my neighbor, along with some of the muffins I baked the same night.  My daughter ate many of them, the little cookie fiend.  I knew they'd be safe from my son because he does not like the taste of mint.  Like the spice cake muffins, these were exceptionally moist.

I would like to have had the chance to make myself a home made ice cream sandwich with these, along with some home made ice cream I made with my Rival Ice Cream Maker; however, my kids ate all the ice cream before I got the chance to make one for myself.  Even better: use them to make your own sundae and drizzle with some hot fudge/caramel. 

Buy It!

You can buy your very own package of Mini Mint Marvels at the Gluten-Free Essentials site.  They also offer other yummy baking mixes that you will want to try.  Also check out their variety packs too, since they have a great starter kit and even one for chocolate lovers.

Disclosure:  Gluten-Free Essentials provided me several mixes for review purposes.  I was not compensated to write this review, though the product samples themselves were given to me without cost to me.  The opinions stated herein are 100% my own.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't tried these, but they look good.
    Might have to give them a shot.
