Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Have you heard about Ebates? Save money by shopping online.

Whenever I shop online, I try to get the best deal.  Sometimes it is shopping through my credit card's website, sometimes it is through MyPoints and quite often, it is shopping at Ebates

Even if you are a casual shopping and not one who lives to buy online, Ebates can help you save money by ultimately giving it back to you.  When that "Big Fat" check comes in the mail, you'll be glad that you shopped through a site that rewards you by giving you money back.  They have a large number of stores that participate, so you'll earn money even from shopping at and selecting the pick up at store option!  Doing this at Christmas saves you time and money.

Need to order flowers?  Don't pay full price!  Ebates has many flower vendors that offer coupon specials and allow you to get cash back.  Right now, FTD has several coupons available at Ebates and you get 10% cash back.  If you spend $50, that's $5 back in your pocket when the rewards check hits your mailbox.

Join today and see what Ebates has to offer.  Compare them to other programs and you'll see that you can save a lot of money by shopping through their site.

Disclosure:  This post contains referral links.  If you were to join Ebates, Pinching Abe would receive a direct benefit from the company, plus credit toward hopefully winning a nice prize for referring her friends to Ebates.  Please see "Tell - a - Friend" on the Ebates site for more details.

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