Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tea Collection: Dresses for your pre-teen appropriate for church!

It can be hard to find children's clothing that suits your sense of style -- and your child's developing sense of style -- that you can agree on.  I know with my 10 year old, we clash over clothing quite often.  She tends to hold on to favorite clothing until she's outgrown them to the point of immodesty.  Case in point:  A favorite demin skirt.  It fit fine two years ago when she was a size 8 and it reached her knees.  However now, it's still a size 8 and now hangs on her like a mini skirt.  We typically have this argument Sunday mornings.  I refuse to let her leave the house in skimpy clothes to go to Church.

So, we have a hard time agreeing on new purchases these days.  However, I did spy a cute purple dress (her new favorite color) at Tea Collection.  The purple Jardin Wrap Neck Dress should suit her taste in regards to design and color, while still being appropriate to wear to Church.  I love that they offer dresses in the size 10-12 range in addition to sizes for younger consumers.  Why should babies and toddlers get all the cute dresses?  They sell clothing for boys, girls, babies, and moms.  Talk about an awesome way to shop.  Get your child a cute outfit and splurge for yourself, all at the same site!

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