Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Free Diabetes Screening at CVS' MinuteClinic

Free screenings are something that can help fill in the gaps, particularly when your lack insurance or have insurance that isn't the best.  Get a free diabetes screening at a CVS MinuteClinic near you.  The free screenings are sponsored by Bayer and all you need to do is show up.  They prefer you to have fasted for 8-12 hours, so you might want to show up at opening and not at the end of the day.

According to the web page, a Nurse Practitioner will go over the test results that day and answer any questions.

Know someone who could use this info?  Please use sharing tools below or send them a link.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and a free test is something to consider when money is tight.  Plus, the NP will even send your test results to your doctor.

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