Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tweet for 3 Easy MCR points to be added to your account

Want three easy My Coke Rewards points added to your account?  You can get 3 points for promoting Powerade and a contest to meet LeBron James.  Here's what my tweet looked like:

You must be logged into My Coke Rewards to have your tweet count.  Log in and then go to Offers & Promotions>Powerade Summer.  Click that and then you'll see a page with LeBron drinking down a Powerade.  Look for this and click the Twitter button to tweet. 

You can only do this once for 3 MCR points, which are added right after you tweet.  There is a FB icon next to the Twitter icon.  I don't know if Facebook share will work for points as I tweeted it instead.

Did you get your three points?  Hope so!  Please comment to let me know you received your points.

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