Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Double #walmartsavingscatcher rewards with BlueBird card

If you've already joined the ranks of Walmart shoppers who have signed up for the Walmart Savings Catcher rewards program, you probably have a few bucks earned back from your purchases.  But what if you could double that? 

You might have noticed Bluebird cards hanging out in every nook and cranny in Walmarts in the past year or so.  These are American Express cards that act like a checking account of sorts (though they are clear on their website that it is NOT a bank.)  Check out Bluebird here.

Where the tie in between the programs occurs is that if you have a Bluebird card, you can redeem your Walmart Savings Catcher earnings to your Bluebird card.  From now until February 28, 2015, you can redeem your Savings Catcher money to your Bluebird card as Walmart Buck$.  These Walmart Buck$ can only be used at Walmart, at not at Sam's Club or any other retailers (McD, hair cutting places, etc. that have tenancy in a Walmart building). 

You redeem them by paying with your Bluebird card at checkout. There is also a limit of $599.99 per calendar year for double bucks program monies, so you will want to keep that in mind if you are a hard and heavy shopper/saver wanting to transfer money over.

That said, if you're open to opening a Bluebird account and you have a lot of Savings Catcher Rewards, it's a great way to double your money in time for holiday shopping.  


Walmart Savings Catcher site
Bluebird card site

Disclosure:  This is not a paid post.  I apologize if it comes off that way!  I am simply sharing program information that I feel my readers might want to know about.  I shop at Walmart, but I do not have a Bluebird card.  Please be sure to do your research on the Bluebird card (I have linked to info above) before you make any financial decisions.


Ambaa said...

So after February, I would no longer be able to put Saving Catcher rewards onto it?

That makes me rethink getting it! The only thing I would want to use it for is the Saving Catcher

Ambaa said...

Oh wait, I just realized that you meant the doubling part only!

Pinching Abe said...

It is my assumption that there will be other double Walmart$ special dates in the future. The language in the TOS certainly left that possibility open.

I am sorry if I wasn't clear on that point, Ambaa. I am glad you understand what I meant.

I am with you --- I would only use it for the doubling.

Anonymous said...

The $599.99 per year limit is applicable to the Walmart Rewards egift card too, not just the Bluebird card.

Angie said...

I redeemed to my bluebird card today and I did not get double as they advertised. It was trick I got regular amount. I tried it with 1.13 savings I earned and it said by putting to my bluebird I would get 2.26 but when I check my bluebird account is only shows the 1.13.

Pinching Abe said...


I think the money is separated, but both accessible via your card. I am sorry - I don't have a Bluebird card, so I am only guessing.

Please see link above -- I hope it helps.

Unknown said...

How do you link the bluebird account to walmart savings catcher account? There are no instructions on how to redeem it. When I press redeem, the only option that appears is the egift card option. Thanks for any help.

Pinching Abe said...

Have you set the redemption? When I clicked on that link on the page when I logged in, I was given the chance to pick e-gift or to open or link to a BlueBird account. The registration for a BlueBird was not lit up to click on. You could try to register for it another way and see if it's connected to your Savings Catcher account then to click to redeem. I hope this helps -- I am only guessing.