Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Chatterbox opp: Dentastix for your dog

If you're a Chatterbox (House Party) member, be on the lookout for a new Chatterbox opportunity for Dentastix!  The Chat Pack details are below:

If you're selected as a Chatterbox, you'll get a great Chat Pack:
  • 1 package of  DENTASTIX™ treats for dogs
  • 3 Coupons for DENTASTIX™ to share with friends
  • Information about DENTASTIX™ treats for dogs

Remember, Chatterbox doesn't require you to throw a party like House Party does.  It's more of a sampling event and sharing with your friends.  Good luck!  If you get selected, do pop back and let me know.  We currently do not have a dog, but are looking for just the right pup to join our family, so I'll be passing for now.

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