Friday, January 01, 2016

Starbucks Triple Stars through January 10 (YMMV), plus link to Starbucks for Life instant win game

I received an email alerting me to a triple Starbucks Stars opportunity now through January 10.  Since our lil community is *finally* getting a Starbucks in March (under construction), this news was met with great joy by my husband, the coffee lover, and my 14 year old hot cocoa lover.  These two hot beverage lovers are like two peas in a pod.  If we are near a Starbucks in our travels, you can bet that one or the other will talk the other one into a quick trip.  I'm confident that the new store that's coming will be oft visited by the dynamic duo.

I'm hoping that this offer is widely available to my readers, too.

Also, don't forget to play the Starbucks for Life game to try to win Starbucks for Life, a month, or a week.  Also, some prizes are stars, which will help you get to the coveted Gold card status.  <-- 2="" account.="" after="" aiming="" at="" bottom="" br="" can="" day="" for="" game="" hubby="" in="" is="" link="" logged="" look="" my="" nbsp="" of="" page="" per="" plays="" purchase="" request="" s="" so="" that="" the="" this="" to="" ve="" what="" without="" year.="" you="" your="">

If there are more than one Starbucks lover in your household and you're together, be sure to pay separately, but with the same app, to maximize your ability to earn stars.

Pinching Abe does, from time to time, include referral links and/or affiliate links within the body of the text. Please be aware that clicking on any of these and/or shopping through those links may benefit her by way of earning money toward a commission for referring you to specific deals or sites.

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