Sunday, March 13, 2016

.97 per ball of Sugar 'n Cream cotton yarn at Michael's

It's rare to see it for a buck and even rarer to see it below!  If you're a knitter/crocheter/crafter and need some Sugar 'n Cream cotton yarn for projects, it's stock up time.  This sale is March 13-19 only.

Unfortunately, this deal is in-store only!  Boo hiss.  But it's still a great price and Michael's should have a better selection than your local Walmart, which for me has cotton balls for about $1.50 each, but a very limited selection.

I wish my Michael's were not so far away!  I use this yarn to make dish cloths for my family and love to try out the new, bright colors as I find them.

Also on sale this week are candy melts for $1.99, lowest price of the season in the ad.  These are what you would use to make your own Easter chocolates if you have molds.  Also super cheap are $1.99 t-shirts for crafting.  These are usually $3.99.

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