Friday, April 08, 2016

Kindle First books for April 2016

Prime members, make sure you take advantage of your benefit of choosing one of these books for free during the month of April.  These are upcoming books not yet for sale, so it's a great way to read a book before most people.  It's a benefit of your Prime membership.  If you're not a Prime member, you can sign up for a free trial to explore all that Prime offers you (other than free two-day shipping, which, imo, is an awesome benefit of membership.)  To start your free trial, click the banner below.

Now, on to this month's Kindle First offering, which can all be seen by going HERE.

Just click on whichever book you want from that link and you can read more about the storyline and decide which one to select.

Blood Defense (Samantha Brinkman Book 1) by Marcia Clark

Deliver Her by Patricia Perry Donovan

Golden Age (The Shifting Tides Book 1) by James Maxwell

The Scarlet Healer by Ellin Carsta, Terry Laster

The Eagle Tree by Ned Hayes

Star Sand by Roger Pulvers

Which one did you choose? 

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