Friday, April 08, 2016

Need stamps? Price going down (shocker!) this weekend by 2 cents

If you need stamps, hold off until they go down in price this weekend.  According to Fortune, it's the first reduction in price in nearly 100 years.  Wowza. It's only 2 cents, but for a book of 20 stamps, that's 40 cents cheaper. 

First class stamps after Sunday will be 2 cents cheaper, post cards will be a penny cheaper to send, and international mail will be 5 cents cheaper. 

For those of us who buy Forever stamps, I guess it's que sera sera!  I had to buy stamps last week and have 18 of them left.  But you know, my mail carrier is awesome and I can't really complain about his service.  He is always courteous and knows me by name since I have an Amazon shopping habit. 

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