Sunday, July 31, 2016

24 ct Up & Up (Target brand) pencils .99 at Target this week

A lot of the back-to-school school supply deals at Target are ho-hum to me, but I spotted a 24 ct Up & Up Target brand #2 pencils listed in their .99 cent list on the cover of their ad this week.   If you need to stock up, this may be the way to go.  My son's list has 10 packages of pencils on it, so I'll be buying a lot of pencils as the extras I bought last year eventually made it to school during the second semester refresh.

Also on their .99 list are a 3 pack of Sharpie highlighters, a 6 pack of Elmer's school glue sticks, an 8 pack of Bic mechanical pencils, some Fiskars scissors, and a 2 pack of black Sharpies.

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