Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reminder: If you are not a Swaggernaut and want rewards for searching the net

Earlier this week, I posted a blog entry about Swag Bucks.... since they were kind enough to give me a special referral code for use by readers who haven't joined the Swag Nation! The coupon and link are below:

COUPONCODE, which is case sensitive, will be valid from today, June 9 through next Tuesday, June 16 at 11:59 Pacific time. Just sign up via my link and then put COUPONCODE in the gimme bar on your account page. That's all it takes to earn you 6 Swag Bucks to get you started! This coupon code is not valid for those who are already Swaggernauts (myself included).

If you haven't even thought of this, please reconsider. I earn Swag Bucks which I redeem for Amazon gift codes. Even if you think that $5 isn't a whole lot, every time I get a code and put it in my account, it is like an instant coupon to me. As a heavy Amazoner (hey, I live in the boonies here!) Swag Bucks offers me the ability to earn a discount on things I would normally have to pay full price for otherwise. Just recently, I bought some 600 count sheets during their white sale. They were $39.99. I had $25 banked in my Amazon account, so that was like getting to use a $25 coupon. I paid $14.99 on my credit card for those sweet sheets!

For Moms and Grandmas (or cheap aunts and uncles) banking those $5 Amazon codes will help you get cheap books for kids. Or save those codes for yourself and your guilty pleasure. I sometimes use Amazon codes to buy myself something nice - like a romance novel! Hubby has even had his paws in my Amazon account and I ordered him a few new mice a few months ago. Thanks to the preschooler here, I'll have to order another one! So don't think that Swag Bucks is too much work --- use the search engine to search out info, claim those Swag Bucks and then redeem for Amazon to use as an instant coupon the next time you need (or want) something from

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