Friday, April 08, 2011

Kraft Singles' Tuesday Night Tickets promo - cheap tickets to Minor League ball games

Kraft Singles has lined up a 3rd another season of cheap tickets to Minor League baseball games.  From April 12 through September 6, families can spend quality time together at a Minor League game on the cheap. Here's some pertinent details about this promo:

  • To get the discount, you must bring any KRAFT Singles package wrapper to the ballpark box office on Tuesday nights and buy one ticket to get another ticket free.  Pray for a sale and stock up on wrappers!
  • Way cool:  Those wrappers will be 'upcycled' by Terracycle -- so you can let your kiddos know that the wrapper isn't going to take up landfill space.
  • There are some exceptions though. This offer is NOT available in these 11 cities:  Allentown, Dayton, Frisco, Indianapolis, Lansing, Montgomery, Pasco, Reno, Spokane, Tacoma or Vancouver
To see their press release, please click here.  I didn't see program details on the Kraft site yet, but the offer doesn't start until April 12.

* image from Kraft website.

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