Monday, April 23, 2012

Country Crock #AVeryVeggieWorld Twitter Party is tomorrow!

Twitter parties are an awesome place to meet new people, particularly bloggers.  Plus, engaging with brands is fun too!  Of course, there's usually also prizes... so it makes for a fun and fast paced hour on Twitter.

Country Crock's #AVeryVeggieWorld Twitter party will be held Tuesday, April 24 from 8PM-9PM Eastern time to celebrate Country Crock's first digital recipe book entitled A Very Veggie World.   One of the party hosts is @ResourcefulMom, who is no stranger to a good Twitter part-tay!  You'll also want to follow @CountryCrock and @YummyClare.  I use TweetGrid when I attend Twitter parties, mainly so I don't miss any of the action. 

Prizes... there are quite a few kitchen gadgets to be given away.  Check out @ResourcefulMom's blog post to see some of what's up for grabs at tomorrow night's Twitter party and RSVP.

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