Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Saving money on electronics at Amazon

My state has a 'no texting while driving' law on the books now. This is not a problem for me as I am not a texter. However, many states, and in particular neighboring ones, are banning cell phone use while driving. My spouse, who travels a lot, has a bluetooth headset which he loves. I figured it was time to break down and buy one myself, so I went into Staples and suffered a severe case of sticker shock. Deciding that I wasn't going to fork over $80 for something that looked flimsy at best, I resolved to wait for a sale. On a lark, I checked Amazon.

What I found at Amazon was a large selection of bluetooth headsets compatible with my phone... for a whole lot less than Staples' prices. The headset my husband got on sale at Staples for $50 was on Amazon for less than $40 - every day low price. So, if you are in the market for a bluetooth to comply with anti-cell phone laws in your state, do browse Amazon's selection. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! I know I was.

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