Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kmart to double select Hasbro games coupons 9/11-9/17

Look in your Sunday coupons for an insert containing Hasbro Family Game Night coupons.  The insert I received stated that Hasbro game coupons in the insert would be doubled at Kmart from 9/11/2011 through 9/17/2011.

Specifically, my insert contained these coupons only:

$3 off Candy Land, Chutes & Ladders, Memory, or Cootie
Doubled = $6 off.  Prices may vary at store, but listed these prices, which you can use to get an idea of what it might cost at the store:
Chutes & Ladders for $8.99
Candy Land for $8.99

$4 off Operation, Guess Who, Connect 4, or Battleship
Doubled = $8 off. listed these prices:
Toy Story 3 Operation = $12 (was $19.99)
Cars Operation = $19.99
Operation Re-invention = $17.29
Connect Four = $14.99
Battleship Re-invention = $16.99
Guess Who? = $16.99

$4 off Monopoly, The Game of Life, Sorry!, Scrabble, or Jenga
Doubled = $8 off. listed these prices:
Monopoly = $11.99
The Game of Life = $16.99
Sorry! U Built = $8 on clearance *coupon may work making this free with double if clearanced at the store at this price
Sorry! = $16.99
Sorry! Sliders = $21.99
Scrabble = $16.99
Scrabble Apple = $9.99
Scrabble Junior = $13.99

$5 off Connect 4 Launchers, Monopoly Crazy Cash, Monopoly eBanking, Scrabble Turbo Slam or Alphabet Scoop 
Doubled = $10 off. prices listed were:
Monopoly eBanking edition = $39.99

$5 off Simon Flash, Scrabble Flash, Yahtzee Flash, or Bop It XT 
Doubled = $10 off. prices included:
Scrabble Flash = $29.99
Simon Flash = $29.99
Bop It XT = $24.90

If you got these coupons, be sure to stop in your local Kmart to check prices. 

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